Tradition, devotion and joy across the country in our partners' celebrations

Every year, in the months of June and July, the June (and July) festivals take place. Revering Brazilian countryside traditions, the festivities are very colorful, with typically Brazilian decorations, such as melon chapels and little flags that seem to dance to the sound of accordions.
The typical foods of the interior and northeast of Brazil are an attraction apart. All this without forgetting the Catholic spirituality, which is the essence of these festivals, when the days of Santo Antonio, São João and São Pedro are celebrated.
At AbmthS partner NGOs the party was lively! That's why we put together this festive panel so that everyone can see a little of what happened throughout Brazil!
Fundação cultural cristo rei - teresina, piauí
The June party of the children served by FCCR, with the support of AbmthS, was a success! The Dom Avelar Museum was the stage for an unforgettable cultural party, with lots of smiles, games and June traditions!
A moment of unity, fun and celebration for the children who showed that they master the art of square dancing!
Associação Beneficente da Educação Brasil e China - Cei Padre José Ho, São Paulo
At the Centro de Educacão Infantil, Padre José Ho, one of ABEBC's daycare centers in São Paulo, the party brought together students, their families and staff to celebrate the month of June, with lots of games, good food and joy!
Mae maria rosa - projeto tecendo redes
Campinas, SP
With the participation, more than special of the musicians of the Anelo Institute, the elderly of the project weaving networks, had a morning beyond lively at the AbmthS site in Campinas, SP, to celebrate the day of São João! There was accordion, quadrilha, hot wine (without alcohol) and a lot of disposition to enjoy the party!
Centro Social Madre Maria Rosa (CSMMR) - Maceió, ALagoas
Is there a better way to celebrate the June festivities than to deliver food baskets to the families participating in the Mother Maria Rosa Social Center? This year, this festive time had a special shine, because receiving a basic food basket is worth a lot!
The people who picked up the baskets at the Social Center were happy and very grateful for the generosity and solidarity. A thank you full of gratitude and happiness to the Maria and Tse Hung Sieh Charitable Association for making this St. John a very happy time.
Parsifal - São Paulo
A performance by the Parsifal choir in São Paulo opened the celebration of St. Anthony at the entity! The enthusiasm took over the friends, family, students and volunteers present and everyone sang along!
And the party was very joyful! From the decoration, colorful and full of affection, to many precious encounters, good food, coffee, delicious cakes, quadrilha, bonfire and games!
The breads and handicrafts produced in the workshops by the students, the thrift shop and the APAP (parents' association) bazaar were very successful and contributed to the brilliance of the party, prepared with great affection to welcome all who were present. And long live St. Anthony!
SOMAR Brasil, São Paulo
With joy, games, typical foods and lots of music, the June party of the children who participate in SOMAR projects was a beautiful moment of sharing and learning the traditions of Brazilian culture. And they had a lot of fun!
projeto tive fome (PTF) - campinas, sp
For the PTF volunteers, the celebration was a lot of work, on a Friday night, they went out into the streets of Campinas to distribute typical June foods to homeless people. And the result could not have been better: a lot of affection, welcome and human warmth in the cold and dark night of those who have nowhere to live!
