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Anelo launches video in honor of women

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In celebration of International Women's Day, celebrated on March 8, the Anelo Institute released the video with the unreleased song “Don't You Realize Yet?”, composed by Marisa Molchansky especially for the date. The audiovisual production was carried out at Anelo itself and involved the work of 20 people linked to the Institute, 16 of whom were women.

This is Instituto Anelo's second production focused on representativeness. The first was the video with the re-recording of “Tribute to Martin Luther King”, by Wilson Simonal and Ronaldo Bôscoli, released in 2021 to mark Black Consciousness Day, celebrated on November 20.

For the president of Instituto Anelo, Siegrid Klein, this project is a reason for joy and gratitude. “In today's society, women, deservedly, are increasingly occupying a prominent position, assuming roles until recently performed only by men”, she says.

And he adds: “In this vein, Anelo, with great pride, in addition to having a large number of women in its staff, volunteers or not, also supports the formation of specific groups exclusively occupied by women. And in honor of International Women's Day, highlighting the female representation in the institution, we produced this video clip with the participation of our women ".


Marisa Molchansky says that “Haven't you noticed yet?” is a composition that was inspired by the multiplicity of women - check out the lyrics below. “I don't like extreme speeches for anything. Throughout the composition process, I sought to reflect on the woman and the roles she assumes in her daily life, in order to honor her many actions, her multiplicity.”

She reveals that she composed "Haven't You Realized It Yet?" in four hours. On January 17, she presented the song to the Anelo group of musicians. After a period of conversations, the “ok” came and, a week later, the arrangement, signed by Julia Mazzotti Toledo and Ana Luisa Nobre dos Santos, both professors at the Anelo Institute, was ready.

The recording of the song, which featured only women musicians, was made in two sessions, on February 11 and 18. The video, in addition to recording this entire process, also includes the participation of other women who work at the Anelo Institute in administrative, communication, management roles or are volunteers.

Singer and songwriter, Marisa Molchansky arrived at the Anelo Institute in 2002 as a volunteer teacher. In 2013, she took over the coordination of the Brincando com os Sons project, for children's music. In recent years, she has migrated to Administration and is currently responsible for the institution's Administrative Coordination.

Graduated in Popular Music from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), in addition to working at the Anelo Institute, Brisa works as a popular singing teacher in free music schools. She released her first authorial work in 2011. In May 2020, she released the EP “Marisa Molchansky”. Both copyright works are available on digital platforms and YouTube.

Letter (free translation):

Haven't Realized It Yet?

“Think about who made you coffee and answer honestly

Was it a man or a woman?

Think about the structure of people

Who washed, ironed your clothes? answer me sincerely

Was it a man or a woman?

Think about the structure of people

That takes forever to change

It took a lot of struggle to get here

Juggler, balancer, productive or producer

Creative, constructive, being a student or teacher

It's white, it's black, it's Indian or brown,

Mother or daughter, protector

Will always be a girl, will always be that person

Without which you don't have... you don't have

Without which you don't have... you don't have

Woman, you are a star, you own beauty

I don't care what weight, height or address

You are pure magic, reason for poetry

In samba it's Dona Ivone, it's Clara or Alcione

Woman, you are giant, active and operative

Just do and believe, even if you're not an artist

You are so true, you are a Brazilian woman

Woman you are beautiful, haven't you noticed yet?"



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