The Monsignor Jessé Social Center has completed 13 years of founding and services for street people. By a sad coincidence, 13 is also the number of street children who were brutally murdered this year in Feira de Santana, BA.
In February, the Center published a Note of Repudiation on its social networks and other communication channels. The press and public authorities were mobilized to respond to this important issue.
However, more than eight months on, the murders continue and that is why the Monsignor Jesse Social Center is once again crying out for justice! Life is the most precious gift we receive from God. When we witness constant actions that cause the death of those we love, a deep pain erupts in our chest and it is necessary to SHOUT.
CSMJ repudiation note
In 2023, thirteen homeless people, children of the Monsignor Jessé Social Center, had their lives taken. We need to put an end to the culture of death, the normalization of "cancelled CPFs" and, above all, the trivialization of the life of our brother and sister, regardless of their condition.
We call on the competent authorities to find ways to mitigate and repress the violence perpetrated against PEOPLE ON THE STREET. Every life matters!
It is unacceptable to judge any murder as normal. We need to express our indignation against such acts and prophesy what Sacred Scripture says in the book of Deuteronomy 30:19: "I take heaven and earth as witnesses against you today: I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose life, that you may live with your posterity."
Enough of impunity and violence! We want peace and justice!"
Comunication CSMJ