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EDS - Floresta em Movimento: Fifteen years later, the project's first patient returns to Campinas, SP.

Writer's picture: ABMTHSABMTHS

Silas Maquiles, a Sateré-Mawé indigenous man, was the first patient to be treated by EDS's Floresta em Movimento program and has been regularly monitored by our team to this day.

Fifteen years after our first meeting, he's back in Campinas to have a new prosthesis fitted, as the old one, after years of use, can't keep up with the great strides Silas has made in pursuit of his dreams.

At the time, Silas, still a child, was bitten by a snake. Due to the lack of anti-snake serum and facilities in his community, he had to be taken to Parintins. Fortunately, he arrived alive, but his leg had to be amputated above the knee.

Meeting Silas during an expedition was a great gift for EDS, which discovered, by caring for him, a new way of caring for the Peoples of the Forest. Thus was born the Floresta em Movimento program, which to this day promotes mobility and dignity among the guardians of the Amazon.

EDS would like to thank the Prótese News clinic for their partnership and, in particular, physiotherapist Alexandre Lapenna for all his dedication and care for Silas.

Text and photos: EDS Communication


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