It is with tasty food, seasoned with a lot of love and with faith in the heart that the Pastoral da Comunidade Deus e Nossa Senhora sets out for its actions. There are, on average, 400 lunchboxes to be distributed to the homeless in the City of Recife.
Mr. Carlos has lived on the streets for 32 years and briefly describes his life and the importance of the Pastoral. "I fish myself, but it's very difficult, there's a lot of pollution, there are days when I can't get anything. This help you bring is very good, thank God you see, because everything is missing here", he said.
In addition to the lack of food, Carlos talks about other needs and obstacles they have in life. "We also need sheets, clothes, as I am large, it is much more difficult to donate clothes for me. I even spent some time in the Social Housing, but I was addicted to drink and there is a lot of drink there and I wanted to stop drinking, so I came here, I stopped drinking and I live here under the bridge", he stressed.
It is stories like that of Seu Carlos that motivate the volunteers of Comunidade Deus e Nossa Senhora to roll up their sleeves and even with the difficulties to keep the project active, because hunger does not wait.