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Sao Paulo-SP


Address: Av. Pres. Altino, 1131 - Jaguaré, São Paulo - SP, 05323-002

The Associação Beneficente Maria e Tsu Hung Sieh sponsors the Henrique Dumont Villares State School and financially supports the Sidarta Institute, which has been carrying out the Teaching for Equity Program since 2017 at this institution. The main objective of this Program is to carry out the continuous training of the pedagogical team, seeking to make classes more interactive and equitable, as well as to change the teachers' mentality in relation to the teaching of Mathematics. 

The school, located in the Jaguaré neighborhood, serves approximately 850 EFI children in two periods (morning and afternoon). 

Training meetings take place every two weeks and last around 2h30. 

The book “Planning Group Work: Strategies for Heterogeneous Classrooms” by Rachel Lotan is the theoretical basis of the training. At each meeting, teachers work in groups and experience the benefits that this didactic strategy brings to children's learning. The aim is to make the classroom more interactive, reducing inequality of participation and, consequently, making the classroom a more democratic and equitable space. 

At the same time, formative meetings promote discussion on Mathematical Mentalities, emphasizing that everyone is capable of learning Mathematics at high levels. For this discussion, our theoretical reference is Jo Boaler (professor at Stanford University, author of the books Mathematical Mentalities in the Classroom and Mathematical Mentalities stimulating the potential of students (all already translated into Portuguese), in addition to the website /en/). 

The training meetings take place every two weeks and last about 2h30. 

In 2017, the year the Program was implemented, training was carried out with EFI teachers from the 1st to the 3rd year. 

In the second year, training covered the entire segment (1st to 5th year), totaling 27 teachers, with 100% of them carrying out group work in the classroom. 

At the Mathematical Mentalities International Seminar, held in May at the Meliá Hotel, one of the professors participated in a round table mediated by Professor Jack Dieckmann, research director at Stanford's YouCubed. She shared her classroom experience with activities on the YouCubed website and how much children enjoy the challenges she selects for lessons. Jack visited the school and left very satisfied with the engagement of students and teachers. 

In December, another teacher was invited to participate in the event “Classroom practices: a teacher-to-teacher debate” organized by Nova Escola magazine and the Lemann Foundation. She shared her classroom experience in teaching children that mistakes are an ally of learning, after all, when we make mistakes, the synapses in our brains strengthen or widen, supported by Jo Boaler's books._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_

The second formative year ended with the presence of Rachel Lotan at the school. She accompanied the classes in the morning, observing all classes working in groups. He talked with students and teachers, heard from them how much collaborative work had impacted their lives. He was moved by the statements given, received letters and gifts. He stated that a new indicator of school quality should be created: the number of hugs and smiles that visitors receive upon arrival. 

In this 3rd year, training meetings are held with 27 teachers, all from EFI. Our biggest focus is to have more equitable classrooms, with teachers planning together and students interacting more in the classroom, as we know how much more equitable interactions contribute to everyone's learning. 

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